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At BuckStik, We give you the Actual Licking Branch + 100% Pure Gland Communication Scents

The RutStik - When & How to use it

The RutStik - When & How to use it

In addition to the BuckStik and BuckBranch, the RutStik is the perfect tool to complete the communication system. For many deer hunters, the pre-rut and the rut offer the most action-packed hunting of the entire season. As its name states, this is the time of year to utilize the RutStik. If you’ve been lucky enough to be in the whitetail woods when there is a hot doe in your area you know what this situation can present. Bucks seem to come out of nowhere, cruising and chasing, turning the woods and your hunt into an adrenal rushing chaos. Now, you can artificially trigger this behavior with the simple use of a RutStik.


The RutStik is used with our #5 Doe Tarsal and Doe in Heat Beads or Spray. With the RutStik filled with #5 scent, you’re telling bucks in your area there's a hot doe present, triggering them stay on there feet searching the woods. When a doe enters peak estrous, she will urinate on her tarsal glands marking any brush or tall grass to get her hot scent in the air where it can be detected more easily by cruising bucks. The RutStik allows us to create this advantage at any time and anywhere within the 4-5-week rut window. This of course depends on your geographic location but mid-October to late November is a great place to start in most whitetail hot beds across the country. This time frame may push into December and January if you’re hunting the far south.

The RutStik is a 30” fiberglass rod that stands at 22" when mounted into the ground. Every RutStik comes standard with a #5 Spray and a two-piece stainless-steel bead dispenser for the #5 Beads (Beads sold separately as an add on).  The RutStik is great when paired with the Buckstik or BuckBranch but you can also deploy the product in any high traffic area or prime tree stand location on its own.


Time and location matter! The RutStik works best and should be used from Mid-October through all stages of the rut. Even late Dec/Jan. The best location is going to be 10-15 feet from a BuckStik, BuckBranch, mock scrape, or natural scrape.

  1. Simply slide down the steel perforated bead chamber at the top of the RutStik.
  2. Load chamber with Beads. (Plastic Disposable Spoon works well)
  3. Slide chamber back up enclosing the beads.
  4. Spread out RutStik Leaves
  5. Push RutStik into the ground at desired location.
  6. Spray RutStik leaves with included #5 spray.
  7. Refresh #5 Spray every 1-2 weeks during rut.
  8. Beads maintain scent longer than spray. Refresh beads every 2-3 weeks during the rut

From mid-October through all stages of the rut, the RutStik is perfect for keeping bucks on their feet, checking and cruising for that hot doe.