The 3 Main Glands
Deer have 8 glands. BuckStik Products utilize the Three Main Glands Deer use to communicate.
Preorbital Gland
Forehead Gland
Interdigital Gland.

3 Main Glands
Small Size included with all BuckStik, BuckBranch, & BuckVine Setups. Large refresh kids available as well.
Other Gland Blends
Whether you want to introduce a new Dominant Buck to your area or want to grab cruising Rutting Bucks attention. BuckStik offers two unique blends to get the job done.
Buck Tarsal Blend
INTRODUCE A NEW DOMINANT BUCK TO YOUR AREA. The Buck Tarsal blend consists of 90% mature Buck Tarsal and 10% Mature Buck Urine. Perfect to use on stand alone Mock Scrapes or at the base of a BuckStik Product. Available in both Spray and Bead Form.

Hot Doe Tarsal Blend
Designed to be used with the RutStik or exclusively during the Rut on stand alone mock scrapes. The Hot Doe Tarsal blend consists of 90% Doe Tarsal Gland and 10% Doe in Heat Urine.
Grab cruising rutting bucks attention. mimics the Doe in Heat calling Card. Available in both Spray and Bead Form.